I'm currently going through a process of trying to use up my make up instead of buying more and also giving a way stuff I don't use. So this time around I've chose to unpack my LA GIRL Glide Pencil - Whiten which I picked up when I was in the Morphe Brushes stop in LA.
I got it for a couple of dollars in America I think but the price online is £5.97. I think thats a reasonable price compared to brands like Kiko which I think you can compare this product to in terms the quality of their liners. Its a little be chalky but it does glide on ok, and you can't expect a liquid effect from a pencil.
I added a bit of Maybelline master ink matte eyeliner which is my favourite eyeliner) to define the look a bit. The finished look is cute but not something I'd wear for a casual look. If you wanted to to a black and white photo shoot I would also fully recommend this.